Jikohnsaseh: Mother of Nations

Leon Shenandoah, past Supreme Sachem of the 6 Nations Iroquois Confederacy

The Condolence of Hiawatha

Kennesatah, the Visionary

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Featuring the inspired art of Marcine Quenzer, available on her website. You are listening to a Prophecykeepers Radio interview of Marcine.


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Native American Church

of The White Roots of Peace

The Tree of Peace
The White Roots of Peace

"Mad Bear" Anderson, founder of The White Roots of Peace Prophecy teaching movement

Mad Bear Anderson was the founder of the Indian Unity Movement... and its child, the American Indian Movement. A Tuscarora, he was a Lord or Faithkeeper of the Six Nations (Iroquois) Confederacy.

He said, "Someday someone will collect all the Native People’s prophecies, myths and legends, and would publish them in one place, so they could be compared with those of all Native Peoples worldwide." “...and then we really will have something!”

Mad Bear Anderson
Wallace "Mad Bear" Anderson

Mad Bear, a merchant mariner who visited native culture all over the world in the 1950s, was gathering prophecies for a book to be titled Earth Mother Crying when he passed into spirit in 1985.

Originally, these prophecies were all on our website in 1996 at what eventually became www.NativeAmericanProphecy.com, and we named our eBook Earth Mother Crying in Mad Bear's honor once we learned of his prophecy in 1996.